Merry Meet, my Lovelies!
I live in NC, the North of the South, where I’m told on the regular that as a Midwesterner, I’m an honorary Southerner. I mean, y’all do send your country music to us, so we’re happy!
In 2018, for my 50th, we visited Ireland (“the land of our people”—my precious mother). The Dun Laoghaire (pronounced Dun Leary, not Dun Leghair) library hosts a symphony hall, a cafe, an art gallery, a history museum, and a garden. Of course, I want to live there. Alas, I am one great too far for instant citizenship.
Check out my Short Story page for published pieces and my Acquired Taste blog’s new series Estrangements under Writing Life!
New Change! Cute Cat Corner is now a category for the Acquired Taste blog, so I can add photos of my minions more easily and more often!
Follow me on Facebook – I’m positive I’m the only Lael Braday in the universe!
You can reach me directly at
Have a lovely day!