I met Zilson Costa through an author Facebook friend, who hires him as an illustrator. I’d asked about the work, because it’s so bold and detailed, almost jumping from the page. Fortunately, Zilson agreed to an interview, so here are his words and his work:

Describe your artistic process. When do you draw? What materials do you use? Do you have a dedicated studio? What are your inspirations?
I draw every day. I do this since childhood, but since 2012, I work as a comics professional in Brazil and the United States. I use pencil, paper, and my interactive pen tablet display to make inks and colors. I do this in my own studio, in my house. My main inspirations are the comics of John Buscema, Jack Kirby and the dynamism of the 90’s.
Through what avenues do you obtain commercial work?
Most of the work I do is through e-mails and social media networks, when I contact authors and vice versa.
Also, I create my own characters. I publish my own comics with the characters Skull-Man and Brazilian Legion of Super-Heroes, and in August, I will publish the comics inspired by my own band, Evil Machines.

Tell me about your support system, online and in real life. Who are your biggest cheerleaders?
In fact, my wife and friends have always supported me in my work.

How does your life influence your art and vice versa?
I try to put in my work what I like. I like harmony, clarity and try to pass this on in my work. But I also really like superheroes. My art influences my life when I teach drawing techniques to my elementary school students and I see them growing as people. This is very rewarding.

What do you love most about your creativity?
Like drawing, coloring, composing songs, playing my guitar… A lot of stuff.
Links and Bio:
Zilson Costa has been a comic book author since 1996, a founding member of the RHQ Factor group. Born in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil, he created the character Skull-Man and his entire universe based on experiences and people from school age. He works as a comic book professional since 2012 for American publishers, webcomics, and Brazilian authors. His first work for the US market was the story “The Origin of Shazrath” by the publisher Argo Comics. He holds an academic degree in Plastic Arts from the Federal University of Maranhão and teaches the art discipline at municipal schools in São Luís and São José de Ribamar. He is also a guitar player and founding member of the heavy metal band Evil Machines.